Melanie Cossette

Coach, Facilitator, and Consultant

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field, I’ll meet you there.
— Rumi

Melanie is driven by a deep curiosity about human experience—the lived experience. She holds an undergraduate degree in philosophy and political theory and a master’s degree in behavioral science. Committed to living an examined life, Melanie has worked with hundreds of people over the last 30 years to help them explore what it means for them to lead in their lives, professionally and personally. She wholeheartedly believes in cultivating space for the people she works with to find their own wisdom and to trust it.

She has an implicit respect for all human beings, which creates a sense of safety, and she is masterful at meeting people where they are, gently bringing awareness to patterns of thought and behavior that work toward or against stated goals and desires. With a firm grounding in positive psychology, family systems theory, and neuroscience, she utilizes techniques from performance psychology, emotional agility, and shadow work to open a dialogue that supports insight, deepening awareness, and courage that naturally spurs right action in alignment with our most authentic selves.

When working with leaders, Melanie focuses on understanding personal capacity. She builds and refines key client capabilities that cultivate improved engagement and effectiveness, empowering leaders to better support their teams and lead their organizations. She believes in whole-person growth, working with individuals to open opportunities for self-reflection and meaning-making, utilizing stress relief techniques and wellness practices, along with open-hearted communication, which drives personal growth, a clearer sense of self, and greater meaning and purpose in life and at work.

    • Ran a successful wellness practice for 15 years

    • Holds an M.S. in Organizational Leadership and Community Psychology

    • Co-developed and led organization wide culture programs focused on respect, communication and empathy for a 5,000 member organization 

    • Facilitated conversations with hundreds of people around leadership, teamwork and employee engagement

    • Co-developed and led an extraordinary workshop for women called Graceful Warrior which helped women step more fully into their power, exponentially amplifying their impact in relationships, in community and in the world.

    • Raising two amazing humans as a single mother

    • Holding both my parents through the end of their lives with love and dignity

    • Becoming a competitive rower in my late 40’s

    • An undeterred commitment to curiosity and personal expansion

    • Challenging myself each year to learn something new, 2024 was paddleboarding

    • Nurturing rich and meaningful relationships with tribes of women all over the world; we cook together, we dance together and we sit in circle and share our lives. 


Melanie nurtures regular practices to connect with the divine, sometimes in prayer, sometimes in meditation, often in nature, and through the language of symbols.  She is a tarot card reader.  


Maria Gerea


Penny Koch-Patterson