Maria Gerea

Executive Coach and Facilitator

The last of the human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
— Viktor E. Frankl

Maria spent 16 years with healthcare and high-tech global leader companies, in roles spanning product marketing leadership, strategic consulting, and program development. During this time she launched new clinical products to the US market,  facilitated the development of a high-end software service offering, initiated and lead a cross-functional team to develop the new go-to-market strategy for healthcare C-level sales, and designed and rolled out highly rated internal career coaching programs.

As an experienced coach with HLG, she supports leaders and teams connect the dots between personal leadership development, collaboration, and innovation, to elevate their impact and results. Maria brings systemic and cross-cultural thinking to her work. She holds a vision for her clients to find their authentic voice in their work, benefiting both a more congruent life and the health of the team and the organization they are part of. Maria is authentic, connected, creative, and encouraging. 

In addition to her Coaching Certification with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Maria holds a Law degree from Romania and an MBA from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington.

    • MBA from Foster School of Business at University of Washington

    • Coaches Training Institute: Certified Professional Co-Active Coach

    • Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

    • Named a “firestarter” by multiple colleagues for bringing innovative thinking to her work

    • Varied experience: inside the industry, as an outside consultant, and as an entrepreneur

    • Moved from Romania to Seattle and began reinventing herself at the age of 22

    • For 12 years and counting on the road of personal discovery and development through therapy, acting classes at Freehold in Seattle, and Coaching

    • Co-designed and ran a program for 4th-grade children, teaching leadership mindset and collaboration through Design Thinking projects

    • In 2020 she lead the creation of RIPPLES - parent learning circles on race in parenting at her daughter’s school, inspired by the Courageous Conversations protocol

    • Together with her husband, she courageously and joyfully raises her 2 bright children with learning differences


Maria is a citizen of 3 countries, while she considers herself the citizen of the World.


Marcus Quarles


Melanie Cossette