Marcus Quarles
Certified Executive Coach and Facilitator
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. ”
Marcus is a leadership development facilitator and certified executive coach with over 30 years of leadership experience, 22 years of experience as a facilitator and 20 years in leadership development. As a certified executive coach, Marcus draws on his leadership experience as well as his experience teaching leaders how to coach in ways that lift everyone up, with their words, listening skills, and more importantly through their behavior.
Marcus is a coach who challenges leaders and teams to discover and develop peak performance. His work with Fortune 500 organizations has taught him that leading and learning are two sides of the same coin. Marcus knows that any change, no matter the scope starts with listening and understanding the people affected.
Marcus’ greatest strength is his authenticity. He creates safety and space for individuals to explore core beliefs and reflect on behaviors. He invites others to share experiences by modeling vulnerability, and by allowing their own insights to grow and blossom in the warmth of his kindness. Marcus spends his free time playing golf with his wife and restoring their home. He has a son who lives in Washington and a daughter who lives in the Netherlands with her husband and two children.
International Executive Coach certification through International Coaching Institute
Certified DiSC Assessment Facilitator
Small business owner for 15 years
Managed Inclusion training for 2600 employees of a Fortune 500 company
Certified facilitator for multiple training programs covering Diversity and Inclusion, Working Within the Law, Crossing the Line (sexual harassment), Increasing Human Effectiveness, Leaders Impact on Climate (emotional intelligence), and multiple coaching programs
Enjoying 21 years of marital bliss, and counting
Former Antioch Bible Church nursery diaper changing record holder (23) diaper changes in one service
Avid golfer
Member of a family of Seahawks fans
Marcus and his wife found out they have the same birthday after being married for 15 years!