Gayle Johnson

Leadership Coach

An organization is only as good as its employees. Employees are only as good as their leaders.
— Gayle Johnson

Gayle is a leadership development coach and trainer with over 25 years of leadership experience.  As a leadership coach, Gayle uses her strong listening, honed observation skills and ability to quickly connect with people resulting in people their own self discovery which frees them to move forward with confidence in their leadership abilities.

Gayle is a coach who understands that all leaders have the ability within themselves to become their highest and best selves, by understanding who they are and how they show up to others.  This allows them to provide their staff with what they need to perform well and to create an organization that thrives.

Gayle’s greatest strength is her openness.  Gayle creates a safe space for people to be vulnerable and accept their strengths and weaknesses.  Gayle spends her free time during the Fall and Winter months knitting, and during Spring and Summer enjoying water activities.

    • Transformational Life Coach certification through Seattle Training Life Coach

    • Transformational Energy Healer – REIKI Master certification through One Light Healing

    • Small business owner for 5 years

    • Course work in Transformational Leadership through Seattle University

    • BA in Political Science from University of Washington

    • Attended Spelman College, a historic black college

    • Assisted both my father and mother through their dying process

    • Avid Meditator and Self-Care advocate

    • Neighborhood Block Watch Chair


Gayle is from an African American Pioneer Family.  Her Great-grandfather arrived in Seattle, WA from Mississippi in 1888.


Fran Nunes


George Brewster