Courtney Caldwell
Director of Innovation and Program Delivery
“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”
Courtney is a passionate learner. For the past twenty years, she has most directly engaged in this learning through her work in schools as a teacher, administrator, facilitator, and consultant. These years of working with diverse individuals taught her to be a team player, an agile thinker who can roll with the punches, and to foster cultures of growth - to help people believe they can do new and hard things. Courtney's specialties in her administrative roles were development, training, and coaching for teachers in all stages of their careers and creating a curriculum that met the needs of all learners through inclusivity, integration, and a social justice lens. At the root of all of Courtney's experience is a passion for helping people uncover their untapped potential.
Drawing on her years in education, Courtney wears many hats at HLG. As an instructional design manager, she helps design current, user-friendly, and dynamic content for our clients. She ensures our facilitators have what they need to deliver an extraordinary leadership development experience. As project manager, Courtney uses her active listening skills to build strong relationships based on collaboration, communication, and teamwork so our clients can concentrate on creating workplaces where all people thrive. Courtney engages from a place of integrity, joy, and curiosity. She is a clear, open, and direct communicator who knows relationships are at the core of all we do.
Courtney is also a highly skilled leadership development facilitator for team training and Enneagram. Her ability to guide teams through these processes is exceptional, leveraging her strengths in communication and collaboration to foster growth. After 20 years of working with people ages 5 to 90, Courtney is keenly aware that there is no growth without meeting learners where they are at, gaining their feedback, and continuously improving. After the past two years in education, she also knows that patience, adaptability, a bit of humor, long walks, and deep breaths help a great deal.
BA in Political Science from the University of Portland and an M.Ed. from the University of Notre Dame.
Coaching, training and development for teachers - the root being equitable learning and best practices in both teaching young people and adults.
Created an Equity and Belonging Audit for the Archdiocese of Seattle to help school and teachers identify areas for growth in DEIJ work and make plans.
Led redesign of more inclusive curriculum and assessment practices with a social justice lens.
In addition to moving an entire school online, then to hybrid learning, then back in person, also co-created a global and integrated online school for international students who returned to their home countries during the pandemic. We then expanded it to invited students from 17 schools in North America.
Developed, planned, and shepherded students on immersion and study trips to nine states and 12 different countries.
Dedicated Auntie to Quinn and Carter and the many other children in my life.
Cancer survivor - 20th cancerversary (when I went into remission) is in October 2022!
Rich and important relationships with friends and family near and far - ask me about my week in Iceland with 12 women from all eras of my life, just one week before the pandemic shut down.
Lived and worked in a variety of places, including Salzburg, Austria; Seoul, Korea; Mobile, Alabama; and all over Seattle.
A genuine curiosity about wide and varied topics, which has allowed me to explore and study J.S. Bach in Germany, Winston Churchill at Cambridge, the Enlightenment in Edinburgh, community in China, and leadership in Argentina.
Courtney’s trip to Antarctica was canceled due to Covid in January 2022. But she’s got a spot on a ship in 2024 and is hoping it will be her 100th “country” visited!