Joel Kampf

Certified Leadership Coach and DEIB Consultant/Facilitator

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
— Mahatma Gandhi

As an Executive Coach, Leadership Development, and DEIB Consultant/Facilitator, Joel has assisted leaders and teams to invest in their own development and create cultures of learning. His work in Systems Thinking helps his clients become more aware of the limitations of working in silos, siloed linear thinking, and to better recognize the opportunities gained by focusing on organizational connections.

Joel’s commitment to DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) has led him to view all his coaching/consulting engagements through an inclusive, equitable, and empathetic lens. Utilizing his 20+ years of work as a Brand Strategist and Marketing Communications Consultant and implementing Consumer Insight Research programs has allowed him to develop and implement numerous organizational cultural and DEIB assessments. From these, Joel has precise, actionable data to help inform strategies and make recommendations that address the myriad challenges and opportunities confronting individuals, teams, and organizations at large.

Joel is a Certified Coach (CTA, ICF), a Certified Leadership Circle 360 Facilitator, and a Certified Systems Thinking (eCornell) Consultant. He has Bachelor's Degrees in Communications, Sociology, Politics, and Public Affairs. Joel lives in Seattle, where you’ll find him either pedaling his bike or reading a book… wishes he could do both at the same time.

    • Having an active client (marketing, brand strategy) that I began with thirty-five years ago, and helping their company grow from a garage business to a multi-million dollar, thriving organization.

    • Assisted the leadership team of a statewide, hundred-year-old banking system to navigate and lead their culture through an emotional merger and acquisition process.

    • While assisting organizations to become multicultural and anti-oppressive, I’m proud to have helped individuals to become allies… and take action.

    • Using a systems thinking approach to learn how to combine all of my skill sets for the benefit of my clients.

    • Assisting my clients to more objectively see themselves.

    • Continuing to evolve in my own development - actually “practicing what I preach.”

    • Pedaled a bicycle solo and unsupported across the U.S. when I turned sixty, after first riding from Seattle to Los Angeles as a warm-up.

    • Solo hiking the John Muir Trail through California.

    • Learning to see the world through an abundant vs. scarcity lens.

    • Loving and being grateful for my daughters and granddaughter.


Grew up in North Hollywood working in the movie industry - have a degree in Motion Picture Technology, and worked in “Showbiz” until I left it behind to move to rural Montana to become a teacher. 


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